Tag: senior real estate

The Be-All and End-All

Paying off a mortgage is a great milestone, but is it the best financial move? Mark Schumacher explores how cash flow impacts retirement planning.

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In the game of retirement, every financial asset plays a crucial role. Mark Schumacher from Mutual of Omaha Mortgage compares retirement planning to a basketball game, with Social Security, pensions, investments, and insurance as key players. But often, the “big man”—your home—is left on the bench. Schumacher explores how a reverse mortgage can bring your home into the game, working alongside your other assets to ensure a secure and balanced retirement strategy.


By Mark Schumacher, NMLS ID 519754, Mutual of Omaha Mortgage, Inc., NMLSID 1025894 When I first began working in real… Read more »

Maximizing Your Home Value

by Anne Murray-Randolph (a.murrayrandolph@gmail.com or 803-818-1182)  Selling your home “as is” versus updating for maximum profit on the sale When you… Read more »