Listing Category: Affordable Housing

Usually managed by a city or county housing authority, these subsidized complexes can be found in many urban areas. They may also be privately-owned and exchange housing to low-income adults for government credits or subsidies. Some complexes are open to people of all ages, but specifically reserve spaces for senior adults. Eligibility for this kind of public housing is based on income. The senior must earn below a set income and these income levels often change based on the median income in the given area. Subsidized housing rent is based on a percentage of the senior’s income, so rates vary for each individual. Affordable housing is often the same rate for all residents if the living unit is the same size (regardless of income).

– U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Hugh Chatham Nursing Center

We offer several levels of care on our campus, which includes an 81 bed hospital, physician offices, home health, independent… Read more »