The Surgeon General released an Advisory on loneliness in May 2023 calling attention to the epidemic of loneliness and isolation in the United States. This public health crisis including loneliness, isolation, and lack of connection affects our mental, physical, and societal health. Physical health consequences include an increased risk of: heart disease, stroke, developing dementia and risk of premature death, as well as mental health challenges, including the risk of depression and anxiety.
Senior centers are a time-tested model of serving older adults in a community setting. A senior center is where older adults of all abilities come together for services and activities that reflect their interests and diverse needs. They strive to provide participants with a “home away from home” and make the Senior Centers feel like family. Senior centers provide enjoyable educational and fitness programs, services and information on aging, legal assistance and health insurance counseling.
Volunteers of all ages are needed to perform vital roles and enhance services and programs at the centers, which gives older adults a sense of purpose and feelings of pride while getting to help and chat with others who want to make friends as they provide service.
How does YOUR senior center combat isolation and loneliness?
Quotes from Senior Center Participants
”There was absolutely no reason for a senior to be bored or lonely when they have a senior center to go to. As a shy person, I was brave enough to take an Improv Class years ago and enjoyed it so much that I sign up for EVERYTHING at least once. I have taken classes and volunteered in every part of the center for over 20 years. I love how everyone looks out for each other.” — Joanne Hall from Levine Senior Center
“The two wonderful ladies create a friendly, warm, loving, family community which keeps us from being isolated and lonely in the sunset of our lives.” — Participant, OASIS at the Levine Jewish Community Center
“Being here has changed my life. I was very depressed and unhappy. I did not want to get out of bed. I love doing the activities where we serve food or decorate and greet. I need to be busy and there is so much to do here. My husband said he sees a big difference in my attitude. We had fun doing an activity together-something we have not been doing a lot. I am thankful to God that my friend insisted I come with her to the center. I like the other volunteers so much and feel I have friends to talk to. I am needed. I am happier now.” — Volunteer, Rufty-Holmes Senior Center
“I needed to have it in my heart to get up and go after the loss of my husband. I joined the exercise classes at the center and learned about the speakers and the craft classes in the newsletter. I began to meet more people. Volunteering gives me a purpose and other volunteers have become friends. It is good to have things on the calendar that I am responsible for, and I need to show up.” — Dianne Quantz, Rufty-Holmes Senior Center Participant
“After my husband died, I realized my only activity was church and I needed more. My children insisted that I needed activities. I found more people my age and I had more in common with them at the center than other places. In the classes and groups, we help one another and enjoy getting to know one another. I like socializing with people my age who are having similar situations and I love sharing similar memories. Now, I look forward to getting up and coming to the center as a volunteer or a participant. Volunteering fills my need to help others. When I started volunteering, I found a whole community of friends who also want to help. People our age want to have a purpose and want to feel valued. Volunteering gives me that.” — Sylvia Miller, Rufty-Holmes Senior Center Participant
View a list of local senior centers in the All About Seniors Resource and Referral Directory for your area and contact them for more information.