Essential Keys for Happiness

469110551 by Rev. Bryan Stokes, Associate Pastor, Scenic Hills Baptist Church, Travelers Rest, SC  Have you ever felt as if you were just not getting out of life what you should? Maybe your daily routine is just dry and bland as an old piece of burnt toast! You can change that! Let’s look together at a few things that just might change your entire situation and give peace, happiness and rejuvenation to an otherwise dull and boring existence. In order to find this happiness you must be willing to get out of your comfort zone and address these five areas of life:

  • Spiritual
  • Financial
  • Physical
  • Educational
  • Emotional


I am a Christian. You may be of another faith but regardless, we all must believe in a creator that wants us to have the very best life possible. We need not be fanatical nor lackadaisical in our faith. One can be as bad as the other, so what you want is a balance. The one who believes can accomplish anything.


I believe financial issues cause more sleepless nights, broken homes and broken marriages than any other issue. In order to find happiness in your financial area, the following steps are necessary: 1. When you receive your monetary compensation you should give at least 10% to your church or some other charitable organization. You must be diligent about this and remember: in the beginning we make our habits, but in the end our habits make us. 2. Put aside another 10% in some type of savings plan for future use. No matter what, do not deviate from this plan. Pay yourself first and creditors second. Of course the ultimate goal is to delete those creditors altogether! 3. Whether you rent or own your home, make your payments on time. This applies also to your insurance and anything else pertaining to your living expenses. 4. Remember this, if you cannot live comfortably on your current income you will not be able to live any better if it were three times the amount. It all boils down to living within your means and living by a budget. 5. It’s important to have hobbies and recreation, BUT, if you cannot pay as you go—DON’T CHARGE IT! Wait!


As the saying goes, a body in motion tends to stay in motion. When the wheels on your automobile are out of balance the car shakes and the tires wear out quickly. The same holds true with our bodies. Get regular medical checkups, eat healthy and exercise to keep your body and mind fit. When you do this, you will think more clearly and all areas of your life will function more smoothly.


There is nothing more meaningful than to pursue a life of development and betterment. We get the most out of life by improving ourselves; the journey in self -improvement never ends. I read somewhere that in five years we will be the same person we are today except for the books we read and the people we meet. While attending an educational seminar I heard someone complaining about the cost of the seminar. Someone’s response was “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”


Loneliness is one of the most common and serious problems in our society. Remember, you are not alone in loneliness! There are probably people all around you who are also lonely and yearn for someone who will be a friend to them. Will you be the one who reaches out? You are reaching out for help for yourself and for someone else! Always remember, there is no sin in seeking professional help; perhaps you have a pastor in whom you can confide. Your pastor may be able to offer all of the assistance you need. If needed, there are many other competent professionals out there who can help. A positive attitude makes a BIG difference in every aspect of your life. You need a powerful, positive sense of self-esteem. Believe in yourself first and foremost—don’t let anyone or anything steal your right to happiness. Simply said: If you want complete happiness you must get CONTROL and maintain BALANCE of the areas we have touched upon today.