Category: VA Services Articles

The Challenge of Helping Veterans Get Help

Nate Conley, Operating Director at Cornerstone Caregiving and U.S. Army Veteran, shares insights into the difficulties of helping veterans access necessary care. Many veterans struggle with asking for help, often due to feelings of resentment or reluctance toward the VA. Conley emphasizes the importance of community involvement and veteran-led groups as a way to break through barriers and encourage veterans to seek assistance.

Veterans Day

Veterans Day is about recognizing and honoring the selfless service of those who defended our nation’s freedoms. Dr. Dan Taylor reflects on the importance of saying “thank you” and learning from veterans about their experiences.

VA Home and Community-Based Services

Veterans may qualify for a range of VA Home and Community-Based Services that support aging in place, caregiving relief, and long-term care. Lt. Col. W. Larry Dandridge shares essential resources and steps for accessing these well-earned benefits.

VA Benefits for Long Term Care

The Department of Veterans Affairs provides tax-free monetary benefits to eligible veterans and widow(er)s of veterans who are spending money on “medical or nursing services…