Category: Caregiver Support Articles

Recipe for Caregiving

Recipe For Caregiving Caring for anyone can be an emotional and rewarding journey to help someone that can’t care for… Read more »

An Open Letter to My Caregiver

I may not have the ability to say these words but thank you for all that you do. Your work matters more than you may realize.

When In Doubt…Ask

Franklin, an 85-year-old retired banker, fell in his yard cutting grass and hurt his back.  He was taken, by ambulance, to the local hospital to be treated.  For the next three days, Franklin was in a hospital bed, getting tests, hospital food, and medications to help ease his pain. 

Home Care Activities for People with Dementia

Cognitive health is a person’s ability to think, learn and remember. The most common cognitive health issue facing the elderly is the loss of those cognitive functions, or dementia.