Key Benefits of In-Home Care for Seniors


by Kristen James, Owner, BrightStar Care of Charleston

For many seniors, the thought of leaving the familiar surroundings of their home and moving into a nursing home can be a scary and intimidating experience. Some families may think that quality in-home care is out of reach and that moving a senior relative into a nursing home is the only feasible option, but this is a common misconception. Recent research has found that there are many benefits for seniors that choose to stay in their homes and receive in-home care, versus moving into an assisted living facility.

One key benefit of seniors staying in their homes is that there is a level of comfort and familiarity that cannot be attained by moving to new surroundings, such as an assisted living facility or independent living facility. Seniors with memory-related illnesses tend to become confused, frustrated, and sometimes frightened when they don’t know where they are. By staying in the safety of their homes, seniors have an easier time remembering where things are and feel more comfortable in their own surroundings. Plus, this familiarity often equals more safety for the seniors because they automatically know where the stairs are, how to get to the kitchen or their bedroom or bathrooms, and where potential hazards could loom.

Seniors opting to stay in their homes and receive in-home care also avoid the potential “culture shock” of moving into the unfamiliar surroundings of a care facility. Moving out of the home can prove to be a huge lifestyle shift that some seniors aren’t mentally and emotionally prepared to accept – what with the changes in routines, being surrounded by new faces, new schedules and activities, and more. There is a lot of pressure to meet new people and become accustomed to a new place. Such radical changes can put unnecessary stress on seniors that can have adverse effects on some medical conditions.

Wanting to maintain their independence is one key reason that many seniors give for not wanting to move into an assisted living facility. Once seniors feel like they’ve lost the capabilities of providing and caring for themselves, they also feel like they’ve lost a part of who they are. By staying in their homes, and yet still receive the high-quality medical and non-medical care they need, many seniors have a sense of independence because they are still living and managing a household and maintaining their normal routines.

With all the recent news reports, we’re all aware that the housing market has been one of casualties of the tough economy. Thousands of people are finding it increasingly difficult to sell their homes – many of those people being seniors. With not being able to sell their homes, more and more seniors are literally forced into staying in their homes, and thus, many members of their families opt to care for them. This feeling of responsibility to care for elderly family members can cause undue stress and thus strain relationships of adult children. All this stress can be avoided by hiring a caregiver to care for an elderly family member or loved one.

At BrightStar Care, we are one of the only in-home care companies in the industry that can provide both medical and non-medical care to people of all ages – newborns to seniors, so no matter what you or your loved one’s care needs are, we can accommodate any situation. From companionship, running errands, light housework and cooking, to toileting, hygiene and bathing assistance, to post-op and rehabilitation services, blood draws and other skilled nursing needs. We do more so that our patients and families have the support they need to get the most out of life.

Each BrightStar Care client receives a personal, in-depth assessment conducted by our Director of Nursing that, among other things, takes into account their condition, personality and environment to guarantee that the right caregiver is matched with your loved one. We then put that knowledge to use, creating an individualized care plan that meets our clients’ unique physical and emotional needs – a plan that strives to not only improve their health, but enhance their quality of life.

All BrightStar Care caregivers are rigorously screened and tested before they are sent into your home. We conduct in-depth interviews to determine skills and experience levels, perform criminal background checks, license/certificate verifications in accordance with state law and requirements, and more – all to ensure that you and your family have more peace of mind knowing that you or your loved one is being well taken care of.

Services are available on your schedule, based on your needs – from hourly visits on a weekly basis, to 24-hour live-in cases. For more information on Home Care you may call 843- 300-3008.